Archive for TravelTelly - page 3

Bosjeshoppen bij Bluegrass

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Forest Hopping at Bluegrass

It’s Saturday and we are too late for Joan Baez. The Golden Gate Park seems flooded by a wave of people and we dive into the woods, looking for a last place to sit. We can barely see the stage, but the guards are just…

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Hardly Strictly Bluegrass

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass

While the metro climbs the high cold of San Francisco, the people on board are discussing the best way to enter the festival. 23rd Street, says Mark, who doesn’t have a specific artist that he wants to see – he’s ‘just happy to be off…

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Route du Pluie

We had given ourselves about a week to drive to Barcelona and back. To avoid the toll roads, we chose the Route National; where you can see so much more beauty and where there is still the feeling of being on the road. Barcelona was…

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Het lijkt niet groter dan de lengte van mijn pink – het Vrijheidsbeeld vanaf negen kilometer hoogte. Iets gouds schittert in het felle middaglicht en ik probeer het tussen duim en wijsvinger te meten. Zo’n 2,5 centimeter. De skyline beslaat niet meer dan de lengte…

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